The Power Lies In The Hands Of The People (The User) In Co relation To Search And The WWW

Abraham Lincoln defined Democracy as the government by the people, of the people and for the people and that has been universally accepted and we have seen time and again that the people when in unison accept anything then every kind of authority has to bow down before that and accept it whole heartedly.

Well, this article is not about government and politics as I am not interested in either of them but the above definition of democracy is applicable to every field not only in politics.

Let us co relate this with the WWW with a focus on the search industry. As we have seen that the search engines when they started they had very simple algorithms and the main task for them was to index the web and the users had to understand the mechanism of the search engines and try to learn how to search i.e what keywords and phrases to query so as to find what they wanted as the index was limited and did not get updated  so fast.

As this problem of indexing  has been solved by the search engines and now with Google Caffeine and the advanced indexing techniques by Bing the user has an advantage and search is a child’s play now , with right from a 10 year old student to a 70 year old grandma searching and finding what information they want with great ease on the web. Especially now with so many search options.

As we can see the trend  web 2.0 focused totally on the user, the users wanted a dynamic  and a rich user oriented experience so all the developers started working on developing such websites and the search engines also started working on their algorithms to index such content.

When the social media sites got swarmed by the people the search engines were not far behind and now they have incorporated the social link graph in their algorithms and the SERPs get affected by the social signals. Even on the local search it is the reviews by the people which affect the rankings.

Hence,  the search engines gear and navigate their development efforts according to the peoples demand, likes and dislikes and changing search behavior .  So, as the searchers become more net savvy and as search experience becomes more and more just a click away in fact  , now it has become instant before you can type the whole query Google is trying to think for you and offer options at the speed of your thoughts.

In short , we get what we ask for. Making the search experience more rich is not only the job of the search engines but all the people involved in the whole process.But, it is the end user who has the maximum importance here. Hence the quality , algorithms and the display of the search engine results are also directed  - directly or indirectly by the people, for the people and of the people’s choices.

First it was the user’s ease of navigation and user experience which was focused upon and given importance to (i.e Content For The User)  by the WWW and now it is their opinions and views (user generated Content – Content by the user) which is important .

Next evolution on the web  is curation of  content  which should reflect  a merger of the content  and will truly reflect the 3 principles of democracy (content of the user, by the user and for the user )  in every topical online industry and sites like are testimony to it.

No wonder they say that "Content Is king" but  "The User Is The Emperor".

The Power Lies In The Hands Of The People (The User) In Co relation With Search And The WWW

Abraham Lincoln defined Democracy as the government by the people, of the people and for the people and that has been universally accepted and we have seen time and again that the people when in unison accept anything then every kind of authority has to bow down before that and accept it whole heartedly.

Well, this article is not about government and politics as I am not interested in either of them but the above definition of democracy is applicable to every field not only in politics.

Let us co relate this with the WWW with a focus on the search industry. As we have seen that the search engines when they started they had very simple algorithms and the main task for them was to index the web and the users had to understand the mechanism of the search engines and try to learn how to search i.e what keywords and phrases to query so as to find what they wanted as the index was limited and did not get updated  so fast.

As this problem of indexing  has been solved by the search engines and now with Google Caffeine and the advanced indexing techniques by Bing the user has an advantage and search is a child’s play now , with right from a 10 year old student to a 70 year old grandma searching and finding what information they want with great ease on the web. Especially now with so many search options.

As we can see the trend  web 2.0 focused totally on the user, the users wanted a dynamic  and a rich user oriented experience so all the developers started working on developing such websites and the search engines also started working on their algorithms to index such content.

When the social media sites got swarmed by the people the search engines were not far behind and now they have incorporated the social link graph in their algorithms and the SERPs get affected by the social signals. Even on the local search it is the reviews by the people which affect the rankings.

Hence,the search engines gear and navigate their development efforts according to the peoples demand, likes and dislikes and changing search behavior .  So, as the searchers become more net savvy and as search experience becomes more and more just a click away in fact  , now it has become instant before you can type the whole query Google is trying to think for you and offer options  at the speed of your thoughts.

In short , we get what we ask for. Making the search experience more rich is not only the job of the search engines but all the people involved in the whole process.  But, it is the end user who has the maximum importance here. Hence the quality , algorithms and the display of the search engine results are also directed  - directly or indirectly by the people, for the people and of the people’s choices.

First it was the user’s  ease of navigation and user experience which was focused upon and given importance to (i.e Content For The User)  by the WWW and now it is their opinions and views (user generated Content – Content by the user) which is important.

Next evolution on the web  is curation of  content  which should reflect  a merger of the content  and will truly reflect the 3 principles of democracy (content of the user, by the user and of the user )  in every topical online industry.

No wonder they say that "Content Is king" but  "The User Is The Emperor".

The Right Approach To Social Media With A Focus On Twitter

Social media is a conversational  and a communication platform and everyone wants to know how it should be managed or how it should be used effectively as a communication tool so that the conversations generate a favourable link graph.

Since the search engines have announced the importance and influence of social media and the social link graph on SERPs everyone wants to work out a social media presence and strategy and blend the social media presence to positively enhance their SEO efforts and their  search engine presence.

Firstly, since it is a communication platform all the rules of effective communication apply to social media conversations also. Since I am more of a Twitter person rather than a Facebook person, I would like to share with you about social media focusing on Twitter. According to me Twitter is one of the best and widely used microblogging platforms.

The points to keep in mind while using Twitter in order to improve your social link graph :

  • Follow authority people and peers  of your industry.
  • No. of followers are important but what is more important is their interaction and their being interested in what you tweet.
  • Twitter is a conversational platform at a very wide scale. One tweet tweeted has the maximum possibility of getting  Retweeted by each of your followers and then by each of their followers – A chain reaction so to say.
  • So, Twitter has a possibility of a very wide reach making your message reach to people in exponential numbers.
  • Participate in Twitter chats on topics related to your industry. This helps you to establish your identity and put your point forward gaining you important followers in return.
  • Use #Tags while chatting and posting topic related tweets to be in that timeline and be found in the Twitter search for that term.
  • the no. of retweets are increasing that means the people want to share what you are writing and your  reach is widening.
  • The no. of mentions also means people are conversing with you and replying to you – That again is a positive influence.
  • On Twitter many start as an explorer trying to explore the Twitter social media potential , then  they start sharing what they read by posting the related links i.e they  tend to become curators . Both the stages have their own benefits.
  • If you balance on both that is share content from other sites and tweet links from your blogs and sites and post valuable info. based tweets then you make your social link graph more favourable.
  • Only blowing your own bugle amounts to being egoistic, if you retweet, share and post links of other  quality content your followers shall always have that curiosity element and would surely want to read the tweets in your timeline and add you in their Twitter lists or subscribe to your tweets.
  • Getting listed in more and more no. of lists related to your industry and along with authority Twitter accounts adds the necessary goodwill to your twitter account.
  • If you observe the Twitter page all these parameters  are available in your account and you can keep a daily track of all these parameters yourself easily.
  • Use Twitter influence measuring tool like to know where you are heading to.
  • Last but not the least be a natural when it comes to conversations as twitter interactions are like any other normal business conversations you might have over the phone, email or via any other communication tool to discuss something. The only difference is that you are reaching to a wider audience and everyone will have their opinion which maybe positive or negative.
  • Be prepared for the bouquets along with the brick bats. As people may praise you or they may even criticize and out rightly reject what you say, And, its cool as you cannot please all the people all the time and you should not even try. But, try to put you point forward if criticized.
  • Humble explanations are necessary but getting  into dirty fights online give a very negative impression and may cost you some followers and more criticizm.
  • Please do not automate your tweets as that amounts to the height of insensitivity and it is better to have few focused and valuable conversations rather than just posting automated  tweets indiscriminately . The human element is very much required in the interactions.

SEO And Online Presence In 2011

It is that time of the year again when each one of us ponders over the decisions and follies made in the past year and plan and make resolutions for the coming year. This is applicable to our personal as well as professional lives. I have given some thought to the online scenario with a focus on SEO for 2011 which I would like to share. Firstly, at the very outset I would like to dispel any doubts and fears if any SEOs have regarding the demand for SEO services in the coming year. According to me the  SEO Services will be   the most sought after services and the demand curve for the same will surely show and increasing trend. Though SEO is going to have a much wider connotation in the coming year and the SEO services deliverables will include much more than just on-page tweaking of titles and meta tags. What is going to be of importance is the off-page optimization.  Off-page optimization will  also be much more than just trying to get links from here and there randomly. The off-page efforts shall have to be more organized and the whole process shall have to be focused on creating a brand and goodwill online. Just having a site linking to you may not pass on the much needed link juice for pushing the SERPs. With search engines confirming the use of the social media signals for rankings the social link graph and the social media parameters are fast becoming  the basis of off-page optimization passing on the necessary nectar or the link juice for boosting or maintaining the SERPs. Currently the Facebook and Twitter social link graph and data are of utmost important. Social media sites is a conversational type of medium which involve a dialogue, sharing of links  and  now is also truly social in nature and is making the birds of a feather flock  together  and like minded people are seen sharing news , ideas and views. Though at present there may be a lot of noise on the social media but soon it will evolve into a platform where discussions and opinions  and links shared by the authority accounts related to the concerned industry will gain a lot of weight. Hence how your social media interaction is managed will be the key to the success or failure of the online campaign. Apart from the social media - the blog posts, the presence on the community forums, the links in the email signatures, guest blogging, User generated content on your blogs and any other external  link from the WWW which adds value to your website is going to establish your identity, brand, goodwill, reputation thereby increasing visibility and also will add the necessary life needed to push the SERPs. Hence you can say an overall online presence on the WWW which gives you a chance to rank on all the search options will be the key to have a successful SEO campaign. The local markets have a lot to offer and ignoring the local scene and aiming for the global scene will surely be a very big folly for any business especially for the SMEs. Think global and act local will be the needed approach that any business would be expected to have. Tuning your website and yourself for the mobile web is one more thing that needs to be focused on . With the kind of the increasing trend shown in the sale of the smart phones especially in the last quarter of the year says that the web is going mobile. In short, we can summarize as follows:
  • Have great content on your site
  • Have a social media presence
  • Engage and interact on social media establishing an individual and business persona
  • Have a blog  with a focus on your main line of business which you keep on updating regularly
  • Participate in conversations of your topical communities
  • Take guest blogging seriously
  •  Do not ignore the Local Search
  • Go mobile
The overall aura generated from all these efforts put together will create your online brand and identity which in turn will reflect on your current and potential  online business. The search engine bots will measure all these signals according to the algorithms which the programmers have worked on, the online visitors will make judgments on the basis of what they read on the various platforms about your business and your ROI  and social media mentions and comments will give you the answer to where you are heading to on the web world . All put together SEO is going to emerge as Web Presence Optimzation rather than Search Engine Optimization maybe we need to have a new term for SEO  as in order to reach the search  engines and SERPs,  first you need to have an over all presence on the web. Hope all of you have a great time analyzing the past year and get great innovative  ideas for the future.  

Information Architecture – The Foundation Of A Web Layout And Design

Visitors come to your site with the expectation of getting the relevant information about the subject they are searching on. When they find your site via the search engines or any other source ranking for the relevant keyword the first and foremost search on the website found is for the content and information about it.

Hence, we give a lot of importance to SEO and landing pages. Getting the targeted visitor is the first step. The possibility of this visitor getting converted to an enquiry depends on many on page factors of the landing page.

Companies usually work a lot on the SEO and other online marketing activities to get the visitor to the site but the layout and design many times is neglected and does not have a focus on making the visitor spend more time per page and visit more pages.

The visitor will spend more time on the landing page only if the relevant content is available in the form of text, images and videos if necessary. He will go ahead and click to view more pages if the site navigation is prominent and every page has links to every other page on the site. The ease of navigation is the key to lowering the bounce rate.

Information architecture (or IA) is the art and science of defining the structure, organization, navigation, space for Ads. and indexing of a Website.

Information Architecture , Web Design, On-Page SEO and Content Development have to all work in cohesion and the team members responsible for each of these aspects most of the time will have difference of opinion in order to put their best foot forward but despite all the differences the final conclusion has to have the best of all the aspects . The end result has to be user focused and should also offer the content to the search engine bot with ease.

Many websites start small with limited content but gradually go to become more and more content rich. Hence, the scope for the growth of the website in terms of additional links to be added to the navigation structure and any other additional aspect to be added should be taken into consideration to enhance the website with time qualitatively. Else it results into a chaotic situation resulting into a lot of clutter on the webpages and an ultimate decision of redesigning the website.

Just as an architect designs the building layouts first keeping in mind the aesthetics, strength, natural calamities, lighting, other essential supplies and makes the optimum use of the area, the IA has to have a focus on the visitor and design the web pages accordingly.

The main elements of any web page are as follows:

  • The Company Logo
  • The Tag Line Of The Company
  • H1 Headings
  • Breadcrumb navigation
  • Search form
  • Links to other companies where you have a presence on
  • Social Media Sharing Buttons
  • Global navigation links for the site
  • Local content navigation
  • Primary page content
  • Contact Details
  • Copyright And Privacy statements
  • And of course the relevant content of the page

Once the rough layout is finalized , utilizing every area of the page to attain and retain maximum attention of the visitor is crucial hence the placing of every element of the web page is very crucial.

According to the poynter eye tracking study  the visitors usually start reading from the left most text and the eye-balls move further as follows:

The optimum architecture does not get worked out at the very first go. There have to be a series of testing and tweaking to come to a conclusion and a layout to be used for a long time.

The analytics play a major role in giving the details needed to take the important decision. Each and every metric of the analytics report conveys the absolute measure of the same but the co-relation to each and other is more important than the stand alone data. An example for this is explained in one of our post on 

A constant tracking and monitoring is required for SEO – to see if the Search engine robots are getting their material and the same tracking and monitoring is required to check if the visitors are retaining their interest by spending more time and navigating to other pages to read more and finally are they responding to the call to action of the page, i.e filling the form, contacting the company, buying the product or asking for more information, whatever the case maybe.

If the targeted, new visitors are responding to the call to action on the page and online sales and the ROI from the SEO money invested is on an increasing trend then I think the purpose of having a website is being achieved . But, there is always scope for improvement.

Capture The Spirit Of 2010 Searches with Google's 2010 Zeitgeist

See how  the World Searched with Google's 2010 Zeitgeist.Google has uploaded a video on YouTube which re-lives  top events and moments from 2010 from around the globe.

The Text List Capturing The Spirit Of 2010 Searches Is As Follows:

·         Fastest Rising
1.     chatroulette 
2.     ipad 
3.     justin bieber 
4.     nicki minaj 
5.     friv 
6.     myxer 
7.     katy perry 
8.     twitter 
9.     gamezer 
10.  facebook 

·         Fastest Falling
1.     swine flu 
2.     wamu 
3.     new moon 
4.     mininova 
5.     susan boyle 
6.     slumdog millionaire 
7.     circuit city 
8.     myspace layouts 
9.     michael jackson 

·         Fastest Rising in Entertainment
1.     justin bieber 
2.     shakira 
3.     eminem 
4.     netflix 
5.     youtube videos 
6.     lady gaga 
7.     kesha 
8.     nicki minaj 
9.     grooveshark 

·         Fastest Rising in Sports
1.     mundial 2010 
2.     olympics 
3.     espn3 
4.     fifa 11 
5.     randy moss 
6.     miami heat 
7.     mourinho 
8.     wayne rooney 
9.     cricket live score 
10.  david villa 

·         Fastest Rising in Consumer Electronics
1.     ipad 
2.     iphone 4 
3.     nokia 5530 
4.     htc evo 4g 
5.     nokia n900 
6.     blackberry apps 
7.     duracell mygrid 
8.     트위터 
9.     otterbox 
10.  pdanet 

·         Fastest Rising in Food & Drink
1.     masterchef 
2.     食べログ 
3.     cupcakes 
4.     jimmy johns 
6.     dominos pizza menu 
8.     guacamole recipe 
9.     applebees menu 
·         Fastest Rising Maps Searches
1.     anhembi parque 
2.     wm gucken 
3.     world cup 
4.     bundeskanzleramt 
5.     rio branco 
6.     mt everest 
7.     kew gardens 
8.     tour eiffel 
9.     oxford street 
10.  nürburgring 

·         Fastest Rising People
1.     justin bieber 
2.     katy perry 
3.     selena gomez 
4.     kim kardashian 
5.     eminem 
6.     lady gaga 
7.     miley cyrus 
8.     taylor lautner 
9.     megan fox 

·         In the News
1.     haiti 
2.     besiktas 
3.     chile 
4.     earthquake 
5.     lady gaga 
6.     iphone 4 
7.     jörg kachelmann 
8.     menowin fröhlich 
9.     mobile technology 
10.  oil spill 

·         Fastest Rising Translations
1.     vancouver 2010 
5.     beijing apartments 
9.     energia solare 
10.  dubai tours 

·         Fastest Rising Health Queries
1.     hcg diet 
2.     dr oz 
3.     aspergers 
4.     mcdonalds nutrition 
7.     cholera 
8.     nfp 
9.     vacina h1n1 

·         Fastest Rising Humanitarian Aid
1.     donate to haiti 
2.     donate to pakistan 
3.     text to donate 
5.     download to donate 
6.     red cross canada 
9.     donate now button 
10.  csl plasma 

A High Bounce Rate , Landing Page Optimization and , Lead Generation – An Overall Perspective

According to Google the definition of Bounce Rate is  as follows:

Bounce rate is the percentage of single-page visits or visits in which the person left your site from the entrance (landing) page. The more compelling your landing pages, the more visitors will stay on your site and convert.

Google also mentions that Use this metric to measure visit quality - a high bounce rate generally indicates that site entrance pages aren't relevant to your visitors.

Following is the Google Analytics data of one sites for which there was a drastic change in the bounce rate after the site was redesigned. The data proves that a high bounce rate does not necessarily mean a low visit quality and an irrelevant landing page. Especially when it comes to organic search rankings data and data does not lie.

Page Views
Pages /Visit
Bounce Rate
Average time On Site
% New Visits
Visits From Search engines
Apr. 2010
May. 2010
June 2010
July 2010
Aug. 2010
Sept. 2010
The Website was redesigned and then the metrics were as follows
Oct. 2010
Nov. 2010


Google’s definition for bounce rate is more applicable to the PPC (Pay Per Click) data. Especially when it says that a high bounce rate signifies a low relevant or low visit quality.

But if you observe the above case study of a website for organic data or data for organic (SEO) rankings this co-relation does not hold true. If you observe the bounce rate with the old design was low in fact very good but the time spent on the site got divided into 4 pages and time spent on the site is 155 seconds with the visitor spending approx  38 seconds on the site.

After the new design with a more optimized landing page focused on lead generation the average time spent on the site is 160 seconds and the time spent on each page is approx. 80 seconds. The time spent per page is more, in fact doubled so that indicates that the content and design are appealing to the interest of the majority of the visitors.

After the redesign the company got more genuine, targeted and serious online enquiries as the landing page was more geared and focused on lead generation with the contact details available on every page along with a good pleasing design, color combo and content giving a clean, uncluttered professional look.The visit from the search engines show an increasing trend (Majority being from Google – so the rankings are also not affected by the high bounce rate.)

Hence, coming to a conclusion by just observing one metrics in isolation does not convey the right message. Data has to be  analyzed  in a very cohesive way focusing on what answers have to be sought holistically.

If the landing page is giving the right info.  to the visitor and that makes him contact the company for more details and if the contact details are available on that page itself then the bounce rate will be high. But the target of lead generation is achieved so in such cases a high bounce rate need not necessarily be a panic situation.

Nevertheless, in order to keep no stone unturned the bounce rate needs to be decreased by A/B testing or trying out various other tweaks to the site to  encourage the visitors to view more pages. As good SEO techniques shall always  work  to make all the metrics favorable as in many cases Google takes the bounce rate into account to determine the rankings.

These are our observations and conclusions.  
Your Comments and your views mean a lot to us.
Please share your views on this data on our Instagram Account

Is The Content On Your Website Helping The Visitor To Take A Decision?

Content has a wider connotation now especially after the integration of social and search.

Right from the time the first web page was developed , the most important aspect has undoubtedly been – ‘CONTENT’ – ‘Content Is King’ as it is rightfully said.

The content on the website speaks volumes about your company and also helps you in the SEO of the site. But keeping in mind the dynamics of the evolution of the web, importance has to be given to all the content generation media directly or indirectly related to your website on page or off page.

Every single word you write on your website is surely the content directly affecting the quality score of your website.

If every page on your website  targets a unique set of keywords then the possibility of every page becoming the landing page for those set of keywords can surely become a reality and  hence ensure those many organic search rankings .

For example: The domain www.malibuplastica ranks on page 1 for the products and services of the company with different landing pages as per the content on that page.

Keyword                                                         Landing Page
Polycarbonate sheets -                        
Polycarbonate Sign Boards -              
Polycarbonate Domes And Pyramids -
Polycarbonate Anti Riot Shields -     

This is from the perspective of the search engine spider to make relevant pages rank for different keywords and have focused landing pages with relevant keywords.

But from the perspective of the visitor landing on the relevant page is the first step. The actual journey of buying from the site or contacting the company representative starts from there. The first impression is of course the overall design but the design aspect is so relative that what catches the  fancy of one visitor may not appeal at all to the other. 

But after the first few second s of a quick assessment of the design the eyeballs move on to read the content. If the content is interesting enough and offers a detailed information about the products and services, the comparative analysis , pricing details along with ease of navigation and minimum no. of clicks then surely the interest level is retained and this influences the decision of the online buyer.

An online buyer needs information immediately else he goes back to the search engine to search for more .   The website content should compel the visitor to go on reading the  info. Available on the site and make him feel confident of buying from the site.

Usually the comparative study, the reliable payment gateway, trust seal and an SSL certificate boost the confidence of the buyer to finalize a decision.

A website is built for the visitor but the spider specifics are equally important.  When we talk about content we usually refer to the on page content but the off page content influencing the site is equally important.  The integration of social and search is making this more and more important.

What you post or tweet i.e the content of the tweet or the post you share on facebook, the links that you share , the topics, conversations , comments and blogposts that you like ,  your email signatures, etc.

On the flip side the User Generated Content -  what others write about you on the reviews, comments, and in their tweets especially if a link and your social media account has a reference to are all part of the content which influence the holistic quality score of the content and yes if the visitor also refers to the social media before he decides to buy from your site then that it indirectly influences the online buyer’s decision.

If The Likes Are The New Links Then Paid Likes Will Magnify The Spam On The Web

In a recent article on it was mentioned that if according to Bruce Clay Likes are the new links then the way the links are sold by many companies , the likes also will become a saleable product increasing the spam and low quality search results on the search engines.

According to me, undoubtedly the social and search integration with the social graph influencing the search results is something which is surely going to be woven in the search engine algorithms. In fact it already has been claimed by one of the SEOs that Twitter presence and engagement helped him in improving the SERPs.
(Read About It On:

But, the extent to which the likes, tweets, blog post comments, reviews, etc. will influence the rankings and how they will be woven into the algorithms will depend on the search engines and their access to the relevant data.

But, the most important point of concern is that if the likes too are bought by the companies like the paid links then the spam generated thus will result into a noise pollution on the web.

It is a big irony that the PageRank concept which was implemented by Google to fight the keyword spam which was resorted to by the web marketers and SEOs in early 2000, actually paved the way for a spammy link building industry.

Now, the social media indicators which should help in adding an opinion or additional valuable information to the links also have a possibility of adding volume to the same spammy link building industry. The whole concept of earning links and likes on the merit of quality content is being replaced by the concept of buying links and the likes by some of the web marketers just to give a quick boost to the SERPS of their client sites.

If, we want to avoid having a world wide web with social media sites ending up with fictitious accounts, search results with manipulated low quality searches, clients unnecessarily diverting funds to paid links and likes and other such influences which results in the spammers making money and an over all imbalance and clutter on the web then it is the responsibility of every web marketer and SEO to say NO to paid links or likes and educate the client with the facts about the search engine visibility and ranking ethics and convince them to take the right path to progress on the search engines.

If, this is not done then the SEO industry shall soon lose its credibility and people might give more preference to paid search which again will result into a lopsided growth on the web.

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The Challenge Of Improving The SEO Of A Given Site When It Already Ranks on Page 1 For Targeted Keywords

Just a few days back I received a call,enquiring about the SEO services that we offer. After the normal introduction and initial discussion, he went ahead to tell me that they are already ranking on page 1 position 1 for the most important targeted keywords on Google. His question was how can we help him to improve upon his search engine presence further. The main thing that kept on worrying him was that his competitor had 1000s of backlinks and his website just had a few hundreds.

The fact that the competitor had more inbound links made him feel insecure and he wanted to sort of know what should be done in order to insure and future proof the SEO results he had already achieved.

In such cases I think the most appropriate thing would be a thorough review of the off page factors and a plan chalked out a further course of action related to points which are not getting enough attention and importance.

The challenge lies in communicating the action plan in its right perspective to the client and then monitoring and checking as to how and how much it is helping in improvising the results already achieved.

It starts with finding the answers to the following questions:

• Do they have a blog?

• Is the blog focused on certain objectives or goals?

• Is the blog being updated frequently

• Are the readers commenting and posting their views on the blog?

• Are the readers sharing the posts on social media? (Especially keep a tab of retweets and likes, as Mr. Bruce Clay  recently mentioned in one of his interviews that, ‘The Likes Are The New Links’)?

• Does the company have a voice on the topical community forums?

• Being a part of an online community do they regularly interact and have established an identity and a voice of authority?

• Do they have an active presence on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube?

• Is there any possibility of making the landing pages more attractive, easy to navigate and conversion friendly?

• Does the client himself or his in-house team have an idea about their online presence, identity and over all visibility?

• What is the overall web culture of the company?

• Are the people who are updating the site and the blog SEO aware?

• Are they brand conscious while updating content and interacting on social media?

• Does their email signature have their website address and social media account links?

• Are the inbound links authority links and from varied URLS?

• Do they write guest posts for other sites related to their industry?

• Do they invite guest posts from other authority people in their industry?

• Are the customers being encouraged to write reviews on the local search results?

The answers to all the above questions will help in having an overall health check of the website and various off-page factors and social online presence of the company and pave the way for an action plan to make the necessary change and give the extra punch and also pump in the extra link juice needed for the website, just like you need the oxygentated blood running through the human body for good health.

But, this kind of an action plan maybe easy to make but what is important is how effectively it is conveyed to the concerned team for its execution is the main challenge. The result will be achieved only if the person implementing the plan knows the benefits the site is going to achieve by putting all the points in action.

Once the plan is in action, the result and achievements can be analyzed and measured only over period of time that is at least 3-4 months. And of course the calculation of ROI will tell the tale in its true colour of success or failure as the case maybe.

Please refer the following link to read about “The Google Analytics Metrics That Help You To Monitor The SEO Progress And Also Calculate The ROI”

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